Weight Your Motives For Serving God

What are the Motives while serving God?

Dear Loved ones, I want to share with you these meanings that came to my Spirit, it may be a long message but I believe it is worth reading.

Churches/Leaders, lets ask ourselves what are the motives while serving God?

Why are we serving God? Ministry is not a competition who wins firts or does better. Ministry is doing what is in the heart of Christ by Love and Compassion not by MUST. Ministry done by MUST is never fruitful, it may be for a while but it will not last. Ministry done by LOVE & COMPASSION will last for ever and will bring real fruit results with Anionting and will bring real Glory to the LORDS name AMEN!

Ministry is not a Lecture nor information that we know. Ministry is to be willing in Free will to give all we have and the best of it in serving others with LOVE, COMPASSION & PATIENTS. Ministry is not a duty to be done only but it is the Heart of Christ to be given to others through us.

When the Lord was serving others (Sinners) He did not care if people accepted His ways His Mercy,His Love, His Compassion, He did not care if people saw Him sitting & eating with sinners. The Lord cared doing His Fathers will in His Love, Mercy,Compassion and in His Father nature.

Human nature is a dissaster and a sinful nature, and most of the Churches are moving in Ministry in the dissaster nature instead of Christ nature. Churches choose people according to what they like & dislike. They don't want to accept the fact that they are moving according to human nature and pride, they don't want to believe it or even admit it either, and still they are thinking they are serving people in the Lords nature and way. That is why many people who have been receiving the word of God and being ministered to them don't last for long with Christ, because the Church is serving in Human nature but not in His nature. People are not willing to spend time in listening in Love & Patients to others because they are not yet dead with Christ in their old nature, they are still waiting for the old nature to die thou Christ has already Crusified it on the Cross for people, but still people are blinded and can't see and believe that Christ already have given them His nature they just need to operate it and use it.

Many accept the LORD in mind but not in heart and that is why their old nature is always in controll rather than Christ nature. People think when they just repeat words in prayers of Salvation to accept Christ means they have the new nature in them, they don't know that the new nature comes in Christ Holy Spirit filling them completely and with revelation about Christ in their heart and Spirit they will have a total life change, not by accepting Christ as an information in mind.

Why many promisses are not being fulfilled yet in Churches and in Peoples lives? it is not only of lack of Faith, NO, but also because they are still using the the old human nature which does not lead them to the promise Land (wrong way of Thinkign). And the most worst part when Ministering to people and introducing Christ not in His nature but in our old curropted nature which is full of dessaster,heatred,anger,selfishness. We introduce our own nature, weather we have Fear, Anger, Unbelieve, and then what we have in our old nature we are giving to others in Ministry. What we have in our old nature is taking place more than Christ nature, why? because our human pride is not allowing us accept being corrected and humble to be like Christ, to be filled in the word of God it is not to know the word of God only, but to have His nature to know His nature. Affective Churches & Ministries are who serve in the nature of Christ which they decide they want to live by everyday not only in every Sunday service but as a lifestyle.

Dear beloved ones, lets think about all the above meanings and words and test our selves in front of the Holy Ghost and allow the Holy Ghost to talk to us.

Thank you for accepting this message in Love.

Be blessed with Love to all.