“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”—I Corinthians 13:4-8a (NIV)

This verse describes the characteristics of true love. These qualities can certainly be found in the person of Jesus Christ, and they can be found in all truly loving relationships. The problem with trying to “find” love in our dating lives, is that too often we don't look for these characteristics. Rather we look at physical appearance, popularity, or wealth. These are not the qualities that God looks at and neither should we.

But the LORD said to Samuel, “…The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.—I Samuel 16:7b (NIV)
Love is best seen as devotion and action, not an emotion. Love is not exclusively based on how we feel. Certainly our emotions are involved, but they cannot be our only criteria for love. True devotion will always lead to action—true love.  Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with ACTIONS and in truth. I John 3:18 (NIV) Dear Children of God learn how to show your love to your Partner because She/He deserves that from you, do not keep it to yourself and say but She/He knows I Love Her/Him why should I show that in my actions or say it in my words. Please try to understand that Love is not only words said in occassions or once a while but it is a lifestyle and comes out from inside out to your Partner when it is TRUE.
Unconditioned love means to love without conditions. This might sound simple but it really entails a lot.Feeling loved and becoming unconditionally loving doesn’t happen all at once. Experiencing real loves takes time and patience and you’ll stumble and fall along the way.Unconditional love love is loving your self and your neighbor and friend totally without the concept of judgment or need.Unconditional love, loves totally without even the concept of need for the love to be returned.But the the journey is well worth every effort. This not fantasy. Thousands of people have successfully used this simple process to find real love, genuine happiness and fulfill relationships.However, sometimes we are thinking that, we can’t just unconditionally love people when they’re wrong, Somebody has to speak up when mistakes are made.It’s true that we sometimes do have responsibility to teach and correct people – children and employees for example. But that never has to be done with disappointment and anger, the two signs that always reveal that your true motivation is to get something for ourselves and that is not real love.Loving people unconditionally also doesn’t mean that you have their responsibility to give them everything they want. That would just be indulgent and irresponsible.When we love people unconditionally, we accept them as they are and contribute to their happiness as wisely as we can.Unconditional love is the perfection of love and caring. It is the truth of love  and caring.The Feeling of Unconditional Love  is the Love of Jesus Christ on the Cross for YOU & ME, this shows us the greatest Love ever given to us. So lets learn how to Love and give true Love Unconditionally as per the Heart of Jesus Christ.
And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.
1 King 19:12 (King James Version)
Dearest Abba, Father, Adonai Osenu, Creator of everything visible and invisible. You control every...thing. You are most spectacular. You work amazing miracles. Earth quakes and storms obey You and testify Your awesome power. But out of Your everlasting love toward us, You choose to lean over us and talk to us in ever so calming still voice of Yours. When we are down and vulnerable You give us courage and strength through Your Word. You shut out demonic strongholds raging against us by Your Word. By Your word You harness even the powers and means of our enemies for our good. My Lord God, arise and speak to unlock the seals of demonic chains over our life and liberate us to flourish in the freedom Your blessings. Let not our enemies to rejoice over us. Don't count our sins against us. Forgive us according to the multitude of Your tender mercies. Help us to be ready to hear Your still voice. Let us hear Your heartbeats. Help us to cling to You at all times. Through the grace of Jesus Christ , Our High Priest who has compassion on our shortcomings and failings, we pray. Amen.
A Woman.. came from man’s Ribs and not from his Feet to be trampled on.. Not from His head to be superior, ... but from the Side to be equal.. Under His Arms to be protected,and next to the Heart
to be Loved.

Love and blessings to all
Beloved Wives! Know how to Love your Husbands in the proper way.

Tit 2:4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
In the tiny book of Titus, I discovered that I am to hold my future husband first in my heart after God. That's the clear implication of God's instruction to the older women in the church who are to teach the younger women how to be women after God's heart. The first thing married women are to learn and practice is to love their husbands.
God loves you and me unconditionally regardless of our shortcomings, and certainly all wives are to love their husbands with that kind of unconditional love. But when God instructs us to "love" our husband in Titus 2:4, the word is phileo, meaning friendship love, a love that cherishes, enjoys, and likes our husband! We are to value him and build a friendship with him. We should see our husband as our best friend and want to be with him more than any other person.
How can a wife nurture a heart of love, a heart prepared to support her husband in practical ways "until death do us part"?
Decide to make your husband your number one human relationship. Our relationship with our husband is meant to be more important than the relationships we enjoy with our parents, friends, a good neighbor, a brother or sister, a best friend, and even our children, and the way we use our time should reflect that rank ordering!
After all, God said that we are to "leave and cleave", to leave our parents and cleave to our mate (Genesis 2:24). When parents are involved in a child's marriage, when God's commands are not obeyed and His priorities for relationships are not observed, problems arise.
A short advice to all wives before I continue. Always let your husbands know what you are doing; never do something behind his back. Always involve your husband in your thoughts when you want to do something, it doesn’t mean you are unable to do anything alone, but it means respect to your Husband and makes him know he is so important to you that is why you love and gladly like to share with him everything you do. Because the moment you both got married you are not two anymore but one. Everything you do is sharing for each other’s Amen!
To make your husband number one will take some work as you deal with drop-in parents, learn not to plan things with either set of parents (or anyone else, for that matter) without asking Mr. Number One first, and handle expectations (Of course, you'll be spending Christmas with us?...Or coming over every Sunday?....Or calling every day?). Your husband has to be Number One, and know it. And everyone else needs to know it, too.
Begin to choose your husband over all other human relationships. Again, this includes your children.
I know too many men who, when their children came, turned down a lonesome road. And when you've gone too long single file, its hard coming back to double. So much has happened alone it just seems easier to say, "It's too late now".
You're wise to keep checking priorities. You can be both mother and wife. But the wise woman remembers she will begin and end as a wife.
As I said at the beginning, we should see our husband as our best friend and we should work on building a friendship with him. That work takes planning, but the rewards are definitely worth the effort as they flow out of a heart that loves. Why not pause and pray for your husband, your number one friend, right now? Thank God for the love for your husband He has placed in your heart and ask for His help in sharing it with your husband. After you say "Amen", plan to do something special for your husband today that sends a message of friendship from your heart to his.

Weight Your Motives For Serving God

What are the Motives while serving God?

Dear Loved ones, I want to share with you these meanings that came to my Spirit, it may be a long message but I believe it is worth reading.

Churches/Leaders, lets ask ourselves what are the motives while serving God?

Why are we serving God? Ministry is not a competition who wins firts or does better. Ministry is doing what is in the heart of Christ by Love and Compassion not by MUST. Ministry done by MUST is never fruitful, it may be for a while but it will not last. Ministry done by LOVE & COMPASSION will last for ever and will bring real fruit results with Anionting and will bring real Glory to the LORDS name AMEN!

Ministry is not a Lecture nor information that we know. Ministry is to be willing in Free will to give all we have and the best of it in serving others with LOVE, COMPASSION & PATIENTS. Ministry is not a duty to be done only but it is the Heart of Christ to be given to others through us.

When the Lord was serving others (Sinners) He did not care if people accepted His ways His Mercy,His Love, His Compassion, He did not care if people saw Him sitting & eating with sinners. The Lord cared doing His Fathers will in His Love, Mercy,Compassion and in His Father nature.

Human nature is a dissaster and a sinful nature, and most of the Churches are moving in Ministry in the dissaster nature instead of Christ nature. Churches choose people according to what they like & dislike. They don't want to accept the fact that they are moving according to human nature and pride, they don't want to believe it or even admit it either, and still they are thinking they are serving people in the Lords nature and way. That is why many people who have been receiving the word of God and being ministered to them don't last for long with Christ, because the Church is serving in Human nature but not in His nature. People are not willing to spend time in listening in Love & Patients to others because they are not yet dead with Christ in their old nature, they are still waiting for the old nature to die thou Christ has already Crusified it on the Cross for people, but still people are blinded and can't see and believe that Christ already have given them His nature they just need to operate it and use it.

Many accept the LORD in mind but not in heart and that is why their old nature is always in controll rather than Christ nature. People think when they just repeat words in prayers of Salvation to accept Christ means they have the new nature in them, they don't know that the new nature comes in Christ Holy Spirit filling them completely and with revelation about Christ in their heart and Spirit they will have a total life change, not by accepting Christ as an information in mind.

Why many promisses are not being fulfilled yet in Churches and in Peoples lives? it is not only of lack of Faith, NO, but also because they are still using the the old human nature which does not lead them to the promise Land (wrong way of Thinkign). And the most worst part when Ministering to people and introducing Christ not in His nature but in our old curropted nature which is full of dessaster,heatred,anger,selfishness. We introduce our own nature, weather we have Fear, Anger, Unbelieve, and then what we have in our old nature we are giving to others in Ministry. What we have in our old nature is taking place more than Christ nature, why? because our human pride is not allowing us accept being corrected and humble to be like Christ, to be filled in the word of God it is not to know the word of God only, but to have His nature to know His nature. Affective Churches & Ministries are who serve in the nature of Christ which they decide they want to live by everyday not only in every Sunday service but as a lifestyle.

Dear beloved ones, lets think about all the above meanings and words and test our selves in front of the Holy Ghost and allow the Holy Ghost to talk to us.

Thank you for accepting this message in Love.

Be blessed with Love to all.

How To Treat Your Wife

How do we often talk about Marriage Relationships or even discuss the real truth of how Marriage should be between both a Husband and Wife? well I can 10% discuss and talk about it. But we never consider it a true issue and teaching to talk about, because we always see things more important to talk about rather than this subject. But today please allow me to share with you all the below which I felt is very important to talk about for each and every Man & Woman of God married or not yet. How many are truly living according the below Truth? Please lets today examin ourselves in front of God and see how we live and treat our Life Partners or who will be ourlife Partners. May this message touch many homes and relationships which are under process to Marriage. I pray Protection for all the Homes and Families and Reltationships who are planing for Marriages in Jesus name to be covered under the precious blood of Christ in Jesus name Amen.

So did you know that there are Biblical commands for husbands? Husbands have responsibilities to love and honor their wives. Would you like to be a husband who loves his wife as Christ loved the Church...

"Love your wife as Christ loved the Church."(Ephesians 5:25) Risk your life to help or save your wife. Christ's love for the church is without limits, nothing is held back. He gave His life for the church - before you loved Him. His love does not depend on your love for Him. Under God's authority - love your wife as service--as giving your life to God.

Love your wife in the same way you love your body and your life."(Ephesians 5:28-33) You care for your body daily to be as well fed and healthy as possible. You quickly take care of any needs or desires. Any sexual desire as a husband should be cared for with your wife. In the same way, care for your wife's needs and well being. Feel your wife's pain and illness and rejoice in her health as if it were your own life. A husband must see his wife's sexual desires and make supreme efforts to meet those needs too. Basically, her need or desire whether financial, physical, emotional or spiritual in your relationship must receive your full effort. Only in this way can you love her and provide for her just as well as you do for yourself.

"Be considerate as you live with your wife, with respect ..."(I Peter 3:7) The Bible says that if we neglect this command, our prayers will be hindered! To be considerate, quit any irritating habits! When she needs to be helped carrying heavy items, do it! If she needs time you can take care of the family! Help your wife with all of your energy, show your love to her with all consideration. Pray to see where you may be inconsiderate.

"Do not be harsh with your wife."(Colossians 3:19) When a wife is sensitive realize that harsh answers, angry looks, irritated tones of voice and impatience will deeply affect your wife. Rejoice that she is a lady and isn't like you - remember that she is a precious gift God has given you.

The husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife."(I Corinthians 7:3-5) Please your wife physically. Don't deprive her of what she needs. Your wife may not tell you that she would like to climax during times of intimacy. Assume that she would like to orgasm and work to please her. A wife might become more active in sex if her desires were being met! Sexual pleasure is something that is given, not forced or taken.

"And that women may be dressed in simple clothing, with a quiet and serious air; not with vanity about her hair and gold or jewels or expensive clothing;"(1 Timothy 2:9) Encourage your wife to be modest in public and erotic in private with you. A modest woman is a lady. There is much sin and temptation that results from women showing too much skin in public. Just think of the pleasure of knowing that no one sees too much of your wife's legs but you! You will be shocked at how this one maneuver will increase your feelings of masculinity and her feelings of femininity.

"Do not be captivated by other women."(Proverbs 5:20) Finding other women attractive and looking at them will erode your own view of your wife. You will be less satisfied with her and she will feel less special to you. No man can build a habit of glances without subconsciously doing it in his wife's company. And she will notice. Remember to be captivated with your wife and no one else. She will feel like the Queen of the world and you will fall further in love with her.

"Call your wife 'blessed' and praise her."(Proverbs 31:28-29) Tell her that she is special and is greater than any other woman on earth. Don't just mention her physical beauty, but her care for you, her hard work, and her ladylike attributes. Watch the flower of your wife blossom as you repeatedly fill her ears with your praises. She longs for those words and she wants to hear them from you! Of course you don't need pride, but that does not change the wife's need and longing to be treasured.

"Tell your wife how captivated you are with her body."(Song of Solomon 4:7; 7:1-8) A true lover will make sure that his wife knows that he finds no flaw in her. God made your wife. God makes no mistakes. If you find a part of her body flawed, then it is your mind that needs to be changed. The responsibility upon the man to grow to love and express love for every part of his wife and also to respectfully and sensually tell her so. It will not help to criticize her or to be sarcastic. Think of how good she will feel when both you and she truly believe that you are enamored with every part of her!

"Honor your marriage; keep it pure by remaining true to your wife in every way."(Hebrews 13:4) Jesus says that "lustful looks are adultery."(Matthew 5:28) This is similar to "because where your treasure is there will your heart be also..."(Luke 12:34) and vice versa. Do not treasure such lustfulness in any area of life, but deny it access to you heart. Keep your marriage pure by training your heart and eyes to be true to your wife. Your marriage will reap huge benefits if you do! Thank the Lord for beauty and appreciate it but keep your eye, joy, mind and heart for the wife.

"Be thankful for your wife and realize the favor you have received from God."(Proverbs 18:22) Just think of how lonely you would be without a wife. Adam was alone and it wasn't good for him to be alone, so God gave him a wife. You have a lifetime companion, a friend, and a lover to enjoy every day. What a blessing! Thank God and pray for her daily. She is a tremendous "prize" from God.

"Be one flesh with your wife in every way."(Matthew 19:5) Enjoy life with her as if you were inseparable, but live your life thoughtfully. Long to be with her like you did when you first met. Rush home from work to her. Think about her during the day. Call her every day. Learn as a couple to agree: be like minded. Enjoy intimacy and sex often. You should have sex as often as is necessary to meet the desires of whichever spouse has the stronger sex drive, and as schedules and health permit. Spend time just talking and sharing the day's events. Show a genuine interest - listening intently - giving your full attention and eye contact. Your wife is more important than anything or anyone but Jesus Christ. Be as one with your wife.

"Rejoice in your wife all your life. Let her breasts satisfy you. Be captivated with her."(Proverbs 5:18-19) No man should look at other women or pictures of other women when he has a wife on whom he can gaze daily. A husband should become fully satisfied with his wife's body. No matter what the size or shape, if a man will let it happen, and ask God to help him, he can grow to truly find his wife's breasts to be the most attractive in the world. This is the true spirit of being captivated with your wife. Such a wife will feel sexy, attractive, and most of all, ladylike.

Developing the Art of Listening

If relationships with others mean a lot to you (but sometimes they seem to elude you), you'll find this helpful: becoming a beautiful listener.

When someone speaks to you, stop and listen — really listen. This little habit will make our all-too-short lives far richer.

The reason people talk to other people isn't always just to communicate data. It is also to communicate emotion, illicit empathy, and to receive those much needed, "Wows!" When I let my ego drive the conversation, it defeats the purpose of communication — and deflates the person speaking to me.

It's not about you. This conversation is about the other person. Allow her to be in the driver's seat. Don't look rushed. Turn your body in that person's direction and add a smile to your face (unless it's really sad news at which time a more somber look might be appropriate). Maintain good eye contact (this brings to mind the old proverb, "The eyes are the windows to the soul"). Nod your head affirming that your heart is really hearing what the other person is saying.

Become a public relations expert for the teller. In most cases it's wisest not to repeat the other person's story unless you have a clear sense that it would honor him. Instead, bring the person over to another cluster of friends, and say, "You've got to hear Jeff's story!" Jeff will beam. Others will be enlightened. And you will be Jeff 's hero.

Despite what I said above, it is sort of about you. If you become nothing more than a "gimmick listener" you'll only harm yourself and be the worse for it. You will find yourself listening, but not listening. You'll simply be gaming the other person like an animal does its quarry. Become an emotional participant. Learn to live the experiences you listen to vicariously. Learn to, "laugh with those who laugh and cry with those who cry" (Romans 12: 15). Then, my friend, you will be a part of the family of humanity.

Love and blessings to all
Prophetic Voice Ministry Renjith & Jessie